Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Catch Up.

Well I am not very good at blogging, as you can tell.  My daughter is now 21 months old and such a girly girl and I love it, because I am not but it makes me feel good knowing my little girl has her own huge personality.  Kyler turned 3 this past July, He is so smart and picks up on things so fast! He amazes me everyday!  My wonderful husband does what he can to help out but he is going to school full time to be a Mechanical Engineer I am so proud of him and all he does for us I wish I could do more to help him out.   I started a new job a year ago that is about an hour away from were I live making my 10 hour work days into 12 total hours of being away from my family, I hate that I cannot be with them all the time and it hurts when my kids don't want anything to do with me when I get home or when I can't play because the house needs work and dinner needs to be made. So I decided with loving reassurance from Heavenly Father that I need to be a Dog Trainer.  I have trained dogs since I was 13 thanks to my friend McKenzi and Guide Dogs for the Blind. I have always loved dogs and by the time I was 13 I was totally obsessed with them I think my mom finally gave in because she was tired of it (I was afraid of dogs when I was a kid and a good excuse to not get one). Why I didn't realize that dog training is what I need to do earlier I don't know but I wish I had because it is perfect for my life to be able to stay home with my kids during the day and training at night and I can do it all from home because my garage is heated and I also have a huge family room in my basement.  The problem is reaching that goal.  I am not very good at setting goals and it is one of the reasons I think I am where I am in my life right now. It is not something they teach you very well in school probably because the teachers don't really understand them either.  Setting goals must be one of those gifts you are just born with or you end up spending the rest of your life trying to figure them out.  Anyways, I am currently trying to get my professional certificate from Penn Foster an accredited online college/career school (1st goal). At the same time I have helped out a few people with their training of their pets. I love seeing the accomplishments that the owners and dogs reach together, from working on fears to tricks and obedience.  I love seeing smiles on their faces knowing that they did something that seemed so hard and first and turned it into something better. I think I must be trying to move to fast and need to focus on the little goals first one by one and not all at once because I am just getting frustrated that nothing is working out the way I wanted to.  Maybe that is one of the things I am supposed to learn from all of this is how to set goals the right way.  I wish there was a magical hat that I could pull the answers out of, but then again how would we learn anything if it was just given to us?

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Ahh! its getting closer! I can't wait but having two kids kinda scares me a little bit because there is two and the older one is wanting constant  attention and the new one will need constant attention.  So I hope I can spread myself out enough to keep them both happy, it definitely going to be a new experience.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

been awhile

Wow it has been awhile since I have been on here.  to catch up we had a great Christmas Kyler got a lots of fun stuff including a spring horse like the kind I had as a kid.  he also got some fun hand puppets that his grandma Suzi gave to him.  He does this funny thing were he wont ride the horse unless he is wearing his daddy's cowboy hat it is the cutest thing.  the other day I found him playing with the puppets he figured out how to put them on his hand and he had it turned toward him and he was making it talk to himself it was cute i wish i had the camera for that one but he didn't do that for much longer after I saw him doing that.  i also taught him where shelby was by having him shake and pat my belly, however he now thinks that shelby is in his belly too.  Kyler is also learning lots of new words and can pick up on them pretty fast.  he now knows dada, mama, uh-oh, done, out, off, on, hot, up.  it is so fun to see him grow and learn new things and watch at how smart he is.  i can't wait for the next baby and be able to watch her grow up to, even though they don't stay little very long and want to be big like mommy and daddy, i wouldn't miss any of it.   I love being a mom and I love my family i wouldn't change it for anything

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Day after

Well even though it was a rough day, I had fun with my little man we went trick or treating at the stores as I was shopping which I didn't know you could do until I got there.  Then we got home and went to grandma Julie's and played in the leaves and then it was off to grandma Suzi's to show off some more.  It was way fun and we had a blast.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I have decided to give this a try maybe I will like what I find. Today is Halloween and so far all is well little Shelby is nice and active and Kyler I believe is trying to prepare Joe and I for another baby.  At about 1:30 this morning he woke up moaning so I go into his room to try and fix the problem well he just wanted to play when he woke up all the way.  So finally 3:00 rolls around both Joe and I are awake now and Kyler is finally back to sleep, but as soon as 6:30 rolls around he is awake again wanting to go so needless to say I am one tired mama and the second baby isn't even here for another 18 more weeks.  I am excited to take Kyler out on his first official Halloween he actually gets to go trick or treating this time.  My ward had their trunk or treat on Thursday this past week and I find myself dumping the candy from his bucket into the candy bowl to be re passed out to the other kids in the neighborhood.  Mostly because we picked out of his bucket what we wanted and now we are done.  Sorry to the first few kids to my door you get the candy I don't want.